“What it means to be a good team: positive collaboration, mutual listening, accountability, but most importantly - constant and consistent support and encouragement. I am forever grateful for the opportunities for positive development Your Life Nutrition has gifted me.”
“It is difficult to admit that along the journey of raising a child, a parent does not always have all the answers. Sometimes, we need to seek help outside of ourselves to best meet the needs of our children. My son was struggling with the beginning of an eating disorder as he was entering the height of adolescence. He was not listening to anything I said, or how much I was trying to be body positive. Gloria helped him, helped me, and helped my family support my son through a very difficult period. She was very nurturing, open, and so supportive that my son felt very comfortable and trusted her completely. He is now taking ownership of how he nourishes and looks at his body. I love seeing how confident he is, and how he feels empowered. ”
— PH || Supported with body image, disordered eating
“We are so grateful to Gloria and Your Life Nutrition. Our family was cared for and advised as a whole – a constellation of unique individuals with many parts and experiences. This was especially important for our tween girl and for me as her mother! We were not further “medicalized” through the process of working together and, although medical conditions were addressed with necessary and high levels of professional credentials and expertise, the holistic approach really drove the transformation of gentle shifts and changes for our family.”
— LL || supported with hypercholesterolemia, ADHD, body image
“Our family faced seemingly opposing issues—parents with health concerns from over eating and a daughter struggling from an eating disorder. Gloria provided the insights and support we needed to work through some dangerous behaviors around food, and helped us create a way of eating that supports everyone’s needs, while still letting us all eat the same meals together. Gloria changed our lives for the better, forever.”